Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Hand

This story begins on a rainy evening as my little sister and I sat on the couch and watched the anime version of Romeo and Juliet. My older sister had come home and was sitting in our living room because our neighbor (who is also a mechanic) was working on her car. She had taken my car to work for the day I had been left home to while away in my boredom.
 On these particular days when I am bored, for the life of me I never seem to do anything productive; including making my own meals. So for dinner I had a glass of milk and an amazing sugar cookie. We had kept the window open so that the heavy rain could add its alluring sound to our movie. Well during our movie my oldest sister kept opening up the door to ask us a question or retrieve an object from the room, when she left she always left the door open!
You're probably thinking "Well would it really matter if the door was left open?" Well for one I live in a duplex, meaning that my house is split down the middle with a wall and other people live on the opposite side of that wall. So we try to be courteous and attempt to keep all movies, music, and singing from reaching the intensity of bothering my sweet neighbors. So naturally the TV was not turned up to loud. Again you probably think "Okay, but why can't she leave the door open?" Well my second reason is that outside of the room that we were currently residing in is our SWAMP COOLER. For those of you who don't know, swamp coolers are LOUD! Also because they really don't work all that well they never stop! It's a constant phshshshshshsh grrrrraaaaa pspspsspps. All. Day. Long. 
So now begins the truly terrifying story of what happened to me on a gloomy and rainy Monday night. My eldest sister opened the door again and asked us where the torch is. While I took a huge bite of my cookie my little sis told her that it was in our mothers’ room. Well again she turned away and DIDN”T CLOSE THE DOOR! At the exact same time my little sis and I yelled “DUUUUDE!!” This is the moment that it all happened. A big black hand reached into the room and closed the door. We both screamed that weird scream that you do when you have food in your mouth and you try not to have it all spill out onto your lap! Being that my house hold is made up of four white girls we are not accustomed to having random strangers in our house so when the hand that we both expected to be our sisters turned out to be a stranger, we freaked out. Well at the last moment before the door closed I saw his face. It was Jordan, my neighbor and best friend who lives across the street. His dad is the one who was fixing my older sisters car so it was natural for Jordan to be helping out, and he had come inside to ask for our flashlight.
We were so embarrassed when we finally finished screaming. When we finally came out of the room Jordan was talking to my sister and I was red in the face from trying to keep back my awkward laughter.

Well I’m and awkward person and I know it and at times like those I really show it.