So I have a slight problem. There is this cat in my neighborhood and he keeps trying to get into my home. Because my dog is dead my little sister has been trying to bring in any animal that she can. Well a while back she brought this cat into my house, not very far, but still it came inside. While I thought that it was hilarious and so did my little sis. My mother on the other hand did not. She smiled for a little and reminded us that my older sister is allergic to cats, so sadly we gave up our giggle fits and helped put the cat out side. Often when I am getting out of my car and walking to my house the cat will come running up to me asking for a scratch behind the ears. He is super sweet and loves my family. But the sad truth is that he already has a family. In fact his family lives across the street and their son is one of my best friends. The cat really just wanders around the neighborhood, instead of staying at home, doing what ever a cat does.
This is where the story gets funny. Well Wednesday morning I was drove back from my Grandparents with my little sister. When we got home we ran inside and said hello to my family. Later I told my sis that we had to go and take our luggage out of the car. When she opened the door she screamed and jumped back. Of course I screamed because who doesn't when someone else does! Well as she jumped back, in came the cat acting as if he was a full fledged part of the family. We were both laughing hysterically and giving the kitty love because he was so adorable. Then of course my mom came and made us take him out. Well when we pushed him onto the doorstep he turned right around and bounded back in. Again we were dying of laughter. To someone else it probably wasn't even that funny, but I feel like I'm a person who is naturally inclined to laugh at stupid things. This happened a few times, we would push the cat out side and he would attempt to push his way back in. Eventually we were all out side and had managed to get the door shut. When we walked over to the car the cat followed at our heels meowing. When we were standing still he would purr and rub against our legs. This was seriously the best thing to happen to me because I felt along the lines of a Disney princess, because here was this cat following me around like I was the sunshine in its life. Okay that sounds really dramatic, but I was having a really good time with this adoring cat. It took my sister and I a little while to get our stuff out of the car because we hate to make more than one trip back out to get more stuff. So our arms were full of bags, blankets, and any other crap you would find in a car after a road trip. My mom had grabbed two suit cases and ran into the house to put them in the basement, where our rooms are. She doesn't have any problem with making more than one trip to get luggage. The cat by this time was walking along the side walk, just sorta chilling in my yard. Because my mom had her hands full she had left the front door open. I looked at the cat who was staring intently at my house. He looked at my little sister and I and then bounded up my front steps and into the house. I was literally tearing up I was laughing so hard. He was so adamant that he was going to be inside my house. My arms were full so my sister and I carefully walked back to the house, stopping often to that we could bend down and pick up something that had fallen. When we got to the front door I could see how far the cat had gotten. He looked so at home, he had almost made it all the way to my mothers office, which is quite a distance from the door, before she came back up stairs and took him out side. It was just the funniest thing that I had ever seen from a cat. He was so determined to come into my house and become friends with my family that I can't help but love him. I WANT HIM TO BE MINE!! I think I deserve him! He has obviously chosen the family that he wants to live with. So who am I to deny this cat his happiness? I have also posted a pic of the lil kitty!